Steve, You need to revise your statements. If you are going to hinge your discussion on semantics, you need…
On How to Trigger Atheists (Part II, Atheism Can’t be True/Inconsistent Logical Systems)
You know, I've been viewing (mostly lurking) on both your and Nate's live streams. Nobody interacts with me even if…
On NonSequitur Show Hearing: Presumption of Service
There are only two types of coffee in the world: Coffee and coffee that is too weak. There are…
On Aron Ra has finally become a Rock Atheist. AR→RA
No problem, Steve. Be well.
On Gumballs and God better explained
Hey, Steve, as you know, I do not do social media. So I came here to ask you if you'd…
On Gumballs and God better explained
Hi, Steve. Stay safe. Ya know the neat thing about Philosophy? it's the same as the neat thing…
On I’m not atheist nor theist (Change my mind) Matt Dillahunty edition
I have a book for you to read. Have fun, Steve.
On Does answering “I don’t know” actually answer a direct question?
When attacking someone's spelling and grammar, it is wise to mind one's own. I ran your comment through Grammarly…
On An open letter to Mr. Atheist and other YouTube content creators.
Yeah, Steve. Go get him. Damned heretic. Thank you ever so much for your prolific pedantry on a subject of…
On Matt Dillahunty tells a caller he is wrong about “disbelief”…when the caller was right.
I almost never remember my dreams. But I wonder if you have had this experience, which I have had on…
On Lucid dreaming, visions, and God