Steve McRae
The Frege Geach Embedding Problem
My Response to Someone who is Woefully Confused about Basic Logic
"Nontheist" is not the same as set size as "Atheist" due to sentience of members- PROOF by Contradiction
Reductionism of my WASP (Weak Atheist Special Pleading) Argument
Logical Argument for Semantic Symmetry Between Atheism and Theism:
Visual Representation of Steve McRae's Atheist Semantic Collapse:
Atheism and the Burden of Proof: Skepticism vs denialism...
What theists get "wrong" about 'necessary beings'....
What does ChatGPT know about Steve McRae and Philosophy?
‘Proof that .999… is NOT equal to 1’ – by Kenneth Ahistrom is Mathematically in Error.