Wayne Philmore to Debate King Crocoduck (Sept 9)

Home Forums Questions for Upcoming Debates Wayne Philmore to Debate King Crocoduck (Sept 9)

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    • #1064

      King Crocoduck vs Wayne Philmore 4:30 est on September 9th.

      Topic: Has God revealed himself to humanity?

      Please post questions for the participants here.

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    • #1066

      For Wayne: How has God revealed himself to you? Is revelation of God personal? Is that revelation transferable to others? Is it possible that God could choose to reveal himself to a person and yet that person would not be able to recognize the revelation?

      For King Crocoduck: What would it take for you to believe that God has revealed himself to you? Is it possible that God could choose to reveal himself to a person and yet that person would not be able to recognize the revelation?

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