Questions for Negation of P and Kent Hovind Debate 8/1/2017

Home Forums Questions for Upcoming Debates Archived Debate Questions Questions for Negation of P and Kent Hovind Debate 8/1/2017

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  • Author
    • #1017
      Steve McRae

      If you have questions for the debate between Negation of P and Kent Hovind please post them here and we will try to get them asked.

    • #1018

      “What does your wife, Mary, think of all this?”

    • #1020

      Dear Mr Hovind, do you believe that Your God of the King James Bible would condemn an atheist, a person of a different faith or even a Christian whom does not accept Your version of Christianity to Hell eternally?
      If the answer is Yes, don’t You feel that Your version of God is extremely sadistic and petty?
      As an educator, would You want the future generation of young children to have such morale standards?

    • #1021

      Ask Kent, “Hypothetically, assume there is no God and never has been. Assume that all of the people who believe in him are simply mistaken. What changes?”
      Does he assert that society would collapse? That seems unlikely as there are and have been societies that have no such belief, yet they have workable moral frameworks.

    • #1022

      ”That seems unlikely as there are and have been societies that have no such belief, yet they have workable moral frameworks.”, Kent will ask ”Please explain and give examples, for the average audience.

    • #1023

      Collected from G+

      Joni Clark-
      How exactly the theory that God made the animals so Adam could choose a wife would work , did God originally plan for there to only ever be one person on earth ? Adam and if there was no death Was earth supposed to be Heaven?

      Blue –
      Does the moral evil seen in the old testament ever bothers you?

      Agrippa Seven – What is the moral position on multiple divorces and why?

      Kerry Walker – The golden rule stated in the Scrolls of Ma’at is Humanism’s greatest treasure, is there another rule that brings greater obvious benefit then that?

      IreadIresurrected – Hypothetically, assume there is no God and never has been. Assume that all of the people who believe in him are simply mistaken. What changes? Would society collapse?

      Maute – How does mortality fit into a society where there are laws that some think are good and others think are a conspiracy against them?

      Socka – How does Kent deal with euthyphro’s dilemma?
      If atrocities in the bible were done for the greater good, how can you evaluate any action as good or evil without omniscience to know if they netted a greater good?
      If a culture operates better by practicing voluntary human sacrifices, what position would you be in to tell them they are wrong and would you?”

      Michael Lapine – If God is real and has absolute morality, what is that absolute morality? Why should humans even desire absolute morality when it has gone so poorly for us whenever absolute morality has been imposed? Wouldn’t a subjective morality be better?

      Nethar6 – How does Kent justify constantly giving False Testimony?

      Tyler Durden – If you know with certainty that a child is about to be raped and have the ability and opportunity to prevent the rape, is it immoral if you don’t prevent the rape?

    • #1024

      For both Negation of P and Kent Hovind.

      Why does it matter where morality “comes from”? Should the content, what is considered moral and immoral, be more important than the source?

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