Category: 3 AM Philosophy

Arguing Semantics is Not What You Think

 Steve McRae  February 18, 2022

In many of my discussions there are often people whom seem to conflate “semantics” with “logic” in order to try…

Two logical arguments against the use of “Agnostic Atheist” multi-axial diagrams

 Steve McRae  January 14, 2022

I wanted to give some quick notes on the use of these types of epistemological image which people can use…

10 Reasons Why Atheism Should be Held Propositionally with a Positive Epistemic Status

 Steve McRae  January 10, 2022

Most of what I write in my blog is to help people become better critical thinkers using a practical approach….

Moral Terminological Cheat Sheet:

 Steve McRae  June 11, 2021  1 Comment on Moral Terminological Cheat Sheet:

To help disambiguate terminology, as there is significant overlap of terms and various usages in the literature, I have summarized…

By Definition

 Steve McRae  June 4, 2021  0 Comments on By Definition

Most non-mainstream groups that go against the status quo have some phrase they say that just instills me with a…

Atheism, Theism and Agnosticism: Semiotic Square of Opposition and Semantic Collapse (Short version)

 Steve McRae  April 15, 2021  2 Comments on Atheism, Theism and Agnosticism: Semiotic Square of Opposition and Semantic Collapse (Short version)

Argument: Atheism, Theism and Agnosticism: Semiotic Square of Opposition and Semantic Collapse   Reviewed by mathematician Josh Garver. *FULL* argument…

Is Atheism a Worldview?

 Steve McRae  March 26, 2021  0 Comments on Is Atheism a Worldview?

If theism is a worldview, then it follows epistemically that atheism is a worldview as it seems to me to be…

Positive claims don’t always carry a Burden of Proof

 Steve McRae  March 5, 2021  0 Comments on Positive claims don’t always carry a Burden of Proof

Claim: “The person making the positive claim always has the Burden of Proof!” Rating: Mixed. (It’s not that simple.) First,…

How to Trigger an Atheist (Part III- Lack of Belief Catism Argument)

 Steve McRae  February 17, 2021  0 Comments on How to Trigger an Atheist (Part III- Lack of Belief Catism Argument)

I’m testing out a new argument with a different framework to avoid any issues with people claiming something isn’t well…

How to Trigger Atheists (Part II, Atheism Can’t be True/Inconsistent Logical Systems)

 Steve McRae  February 15, 2021  2 Comments on How to Trigger Atheists (Part II, Atheism Can’t be True/Inconsistent Logical Systems)

How to Trigger Atheists (Part II) Another interesting thing that I found that triggers lack of belief atheists is when…