“Nontheist” is not the same as set size as “Atheist” due to sentience of members- PROOF by Contradiction

ASSUMPTION: Nontheist := Atheist

Purpose of proof: To show that claiming that the set of “nontheist” is exactly equivalent to set of “atheiest” leads to category error by contradiction. It has been often argue that “atheist v theist” is a “strict dichotomy”, and I prove that by prescribing Google’s definitions as “by definition” leads to an inescapable contradiction in set theory.


Oxford definition of “Atheist”:
“a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.”

Additional Assumptions:
Theist: Set of sentient beings who believes in God
Atheist: Set of sentient beings who do not believe in God.
Nontheist (Non-theist) is any element not in the set of theist.
Complementary Set Relationships
1. Set A and A’ are in U: A’=U\A
2. Assume A’ ⊣ A and A ⊣ T
3. A = (U \ T)
4. If x ∈ U then x must be {x ∈ T | x ∈ A}:
5. A = {x ∈ U | x ∉ T}


U = Universal set of all entities (U)
T = Set of theists (A’)
A = Set of atheists (A)
S = Set of sentient beings capable of holding beliefs (S)
Additional Definitions:
1. Theist: x ∈ T ⇔ (x ∈ S ∧ Believes(x, God exists))
If x is a theist ⇔ x is a sentient being and believes God exists.
2. Atheist: x ∈ A ⇔ (x ∈ S ∧ ¬Believes(x, God exists))
If x is an atheist ⇔ x is a sentient being and does not believe God exists.
3. NonTheist: x ∈ (U \ T)
x is in U, but is not in T


1. Assume for contradiction that A = (U \ T)
(Given by initial assumptions of A’=U\A) where “A” is representing A’ and T is representing A)

2. Consider an entity r where r ∉ S (e.g., a rock)
∀x (x ∉ S → x ∉ A) (from definition of Atheist)
r ∉ S
∴ r ∉ A
(A rock is not a sentient being. A rock does not believe God exists. Being an atheist requires sentience, therefore a rock is not an atheist)

3. However, r ∈ (U \ T) because:
r ∈ U (as U is the universal set)
r ∉ T (as r ∉ S, and all theists must be in S)
∴ r ∈ (U \ T)
(A rock is a nontheist because, a rock is in the Universal set, but a rock is not sentient. All theists must be sentient, therefore rocks are not theists)

4. From steps 2 and 3 and assumptions:

r ∈ (U \ T) ∧ (r ∉ A ∧ r ∉ T)
(A rock is a nontheist and rock is also not and atheist nor a theist)

5. This is a contradiction of A = {x ∈ U | x ∉ T}
(If x is in U, it must be either in T or A)

6. Therefore, our assumption must be false.

Conclusion: Nontheist (the set of entities that are not theists) is not the same set size as atheist (the set of sentient beings who do not believe in God).


Short version:
“NonTheist” is not the same as set size as “Atheist” due to sentience of members- PROOF by Contradiction


1. Nontheist := Atheist
2. Theist: Set of sentient beings who believe in God
3. Atheist: Set of sentient beings who do not believe in God
4. Non-theist (Nontheist) is any element not in the set of theists

Complementary Set Relationships:

1. Set A and A’ are in U”: A’=U\A
2. Assume A’ ⊣ A and A ⊣ T
3. A = (U \ T)

1. Assume for contradiction that A = (U \ T)
2. Consider an entity r where r ∉ S (e.g., a rock)
3. Since r ∉ S, ∀x (x ∉ S → x ∉ A) (from definition of Atheist), r ∉ A
4. However, r ∈ (U \ T) because r ∈ U and r ∉ T (from definition of Theist).
5. Therefore we get a contradiction as r ∈ (U \ T) ∧ (r ∉ A ∧ r ∉ T) which contradicts the initial assumptions and complimentary set relationships.
6. (Nontheist := Atheist) = ⊥


Author: Steve McRae