2) Agnosticism as an epistemological proposition: The proposition of if the existence of Gods is knowable or unknowable. (sometimes referred to as “weak or soft agnosticism” or “strong or hard agnosticism”)
3) Modern usage of the word “agnosticism” is merely the belief that one is not justified to assign a truth value or T or F to p where p=”at least one God exist” (theism). In this usage the person has attempted to evaluate the proposition, but believes that they do not have sufficient justification to say p is T or p is F and they are therefore suspending judgment on p. In this context it is the psychological state (as opposed to a normative epistemic principle or epistemological proposition) of being agnostic on p, or someone who tries to evaluate p, but does not believe p is true nor believes p is false.
Source: SEP (Atheism)
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