Month: December 2018

Steve McRae’s actual positions to help with strawman abatement. (Work in progress)

 Steve McRae  December 28, 2018  1 Comment on Steve McRae’s actual positions to help with strawman abatement. (Work in progress)

In order to at least attempt to avoid being strawmanned or at least less frequently I have endeavored to try…

List of citations

 Steve McRae  December 26, 2018  2 Comments on List of citations

Citation list: SEP- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy IEP- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Dr. Paul Draper (2017): SEP- Atheism and Agnosticism…

Can atheism be true? Not the way you may think.

 Steve McRae  December 4, 2018  0 Comments on Can atheism be true? Not the way you may think.

Late night ponderings:   First, I do personally think atheism as “lack of belief” seems to have an implicature that…