Month: November 2018

“Agnostic atheism” is either nonsensical or superfluous: Presented in three cases.

 Steve McRae  November 21, 2018  3 Comments on “Agnostic atheism” is either nonsensical or superfluous: Presented in three cases.

It would seem some greater elucidation is required to explain more specifically why the phrase “agnostic atheist” in the weak…

Why lack of belief atheism has a type of burden of proof…explained.

 Steve McRae  November 19, 2018  0 Comments on Why lack of belief atheism has a type of burden of proof…explained.

TRIGGER WARNING: DO NOT read this if ALL you plan to do is BITCH about the topic as people who…

Not all justifications are the same…

 Steve McRae  November 13, 2018  0 Comments on Not all justifications are the same…

Ernest Sosa in his paper “The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence versus Foundations in the Theory of Knowledge”  makes a distinction between…

Metaethics, normative or applied? Why it matters…and why it doesn’t!

 Steve McRae  November 12, 2018  0 Comments on Metaethics, normative or applied? Why it matters…and why it doesn’t!

Do atheist and non-believers make a mistake when discussing morality to allow theist to concentrate on metaethics (what makes something…

Yes Virgina .999… really does equal 1.

 Steve McRae  November 10, 2018  2 Comments on Yes Virgina .999… really does equal 1.

I have recently been inundated by number of people who for some strange reason can not seem to accept the…

Example of a “married bachelor” :)

 Steve McRae  November 7, 2018  0 Comments on Example of a “married bachelor” :)

Example of a “married bachelor”: Someone from a FB group had asked me to give an example of how even…

No Idea is Sacred

 Steve McRae  November 5, 2018  0 Comments on No Idea is Sacred

In preparation for being a guest speaker (Q and A) with the Atheist Community of Austin on their discord on…