Month: October 2018

 Does igtheism even make sense?

 Steve McRae  October 25, 2018  0 Comments on  Does igtheism even make sense?

 Does igtheism even make sense? I was talking to The Messianic Manic (TMM) the other day about Igtheism (Ignosticism)…which he…

Agnosticism, Atheism, Theism and LOGIC 101:

 Steve McRae  October 24, 2018  10 Comments on Agnosticism, Atheism, Theism and LOGIC 101:

Agnosticism, atheism, theism and LOGIC 101:   p V ~p   p is a proposition “V” means OR ~p is…

Atheism and Bad Epistemological Images: (Why Agnostic Atheist in the weak case is nonsensical)

 Steve McRae  October 17, 2018  5 Comments on Atheism and Bad Epistemological Images: (Why Agnostic Atheist in the weak case is nonsensical)

It seems you can’t go a day when someone mentions either the word ‘belief’ or ‘knowledge’ that someone else isn’t…

How to attack an argument…start by don’t be an idiot.

 Steve McRae  October 13, 2018  0 Comments on How to attack an argument…start by don’t be an idiot.

How intelligent people attack an argument: 1) Look for flaws in the logic. Example: Other day I commuted the “fallacy…

PROOF: weak atheism ↔ agnosticism ↔ weak theism

 Steve McRae  October 4, 2018  1 Comment on PROOF: weak atheism ↔ agnosticism ↔ weak theism

Seeking to show that if a weak atheist justifies self-identifying as an atheist, the same reasoning can be used to…

My take on Street Epistomology

 Steve McRae  October 4, 2018  0 Comments on My take on Street Epistomology

HI Anthony, Thanks for your invites to the FB groups…most certainly will join. Just in case you don’t remember this…