Vadim Newquist- Creationist Cat’s worthless human slave joins the GDC for his Patreon drive.

Streamed live on Apr 21, 2017


*Special Event* Vadim Newquist- Creationist Cat’s worthless human slave joins the Great Debate Community to discuss some of the recent changes to how YouTube does it’s ad revenue and how it has affected some of the larger YouTube channels including his own…along with other issues relative to the Great Debate topics. This a fund raising event via Creationists Cat’s Patreon page to try to get him where he needs to be in order to continue producing high quality production videos that we all love…and he is so close…so lets put him over the top. Links to how to subscribe to Creationists Cat’s channel and to become a Patron to his channel are below.

Creationist Cat’s YouTube page (go subscribe!):

Author: Steve McRae

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