Upcoming Events

Steve McRae’s channel:



Jan 1st, Mon 9 PM PST: Paulogia and Shannon talk about Pseudoscience Communication Strategies.

Jan 3rd Wed 3 or 3:30 PM PST: EliteSkeptiC (Civil Engineer) – An Ex YEC gives his story on how he over time as he progressed in his studies he realized YEC was so very very wrong.

Jan 3rd Wed 6 PM PST: “Let’s Talk About You- W/ Shannon Q: G Man”

Jan 7th  Sun 5 PM PST (7 CST/9AST):  “Let’s Talk About You! W/Shannon Q #2: Nephilimfree edition.

Jan 12th Fri 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT): Dr. Henke & Dr. Loechelt on He diffusion rates.

Jan 19th Fri 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT): Dr. Henke & Dr. Loechelt on He diffusion rates. (part II)

Jan 20th Wed 9 PM PST late night open hangout w/Rose Patton

Jan 23rd Tue 6 PM PST: Dr. Herman Mays

Jan 24th Wed 5 PM PST: The Geek Room does a special show on my channel! (Let’s rip “A Universe [Out of Nothing]” )


Feb 10th, SAT 12:00 PM PST (noon) I will be on Anti-Ordinaries channel to discuss atheism vs agnostism.

Feb 10th, Sat 10:00 The Skeptical Spectacle Podcast – Hosted by EliteSkeptiC and Pro SkeptiC will be hosted on the Great Debate Community page.

Feb 11th, Sat 2:00 PM PST Flat Earth Sunday Showdown w/Nathan Oakley and team QED LIVE!

Feb 14th, 2018: 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT): Dr. Richard Carrier. (On Nonsequitur channel)

Feb 15th, 5:30 PM PST (maybe sooner) “Let’s Talk About You!” W/Shannon Q #7: Ocean Keltoi edition.

Q and A and special invite session to promote his appearance on our new Podcast The NonSequitur Show to discuss the empty tomb argument with SJ Thomason (aka Christian Apologist)

SUPER special event 1 PM ST (4 EST) Sunday 18th
We will be dual streaming to the The Nonsequitur Show channel and to a Flat Earth discussion Facebook group of 81,000+ members live a discussion between Nathan Thompson and Soundly from YouTube on Flat Earth vs Globe Earth.

SUPER special event 5 PM PST (8 EST) Thursday 22th
Jeranism and Jesse Kozlowski discuss Geodetic Perspective and Flat Earth Live!
(On my main channel)



Nonsequitur Show Podcast:

Jan 14th  Podcast soft opening (pre-recorded): Kent Hovind vs Dr. Herman Mays

Jan 17th IDEA: Comedy: Guests- Tony Deyo (from Conan O’Brian), Steven Lesser

Jan 31st IDEA: Atheism: Guest- Pam Whissle (Editor of American Atheist).




Author: Steve McRae

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